EDTAC offers the following services for professionals.
edtac for professionals
Events Calendar: The Calendar is a good place to post ED related conferences, workshops, classes, supervision groups, retreats you would like other professionals to know about. In the future we’ll be adding a signup/register option for this feature as well. You can also post events you want to share with the general public such as support groups, public advocacy events or fundraisers you’re hosting. edtac for professionals
Public Forums: are visible to everyone including the public, so if you have something ED related you want to share with other user groups, the public forum is a great place for this.
Professionals Forum: is a secure place where Professionals can communicate with each-other about topics unique their work with those struggling with an Eating Disorder. Some good uses for this forum would be:
- Sublet/Office share notices
- Conference room shares
- Research discussions
- Ideas for working with difficult cases
- & more, feel free to to post whatever you like as long as it’s related to the ED field.
Jobs Listings: Explore & post Eating Disorders related job openings from anywhere in the US.
Professionals Profiles: Create a profile to be displayed in one or both of our directories.
- Provider Profiles will be visible in both directories.
- Representative Profiles will be visible in the professionals directory.
- Verified Provider profiles adds a way to stand out in the directory, verification is free, and requires that providers meet specific requirements, if you’re interested in having your profile verified please see the requirements and submit your request via the profile editor form.
Directories: We have two directories available, depending on your role your profile will be in one or both.
- The Provider Directory is visible to the public and offers listings for outpatient treatment providers (only), it is designed to assist those in need in their effort to locate local treatment providers, as of now this service is free so hurry and get your profile set up as this may change at a later date.
- The Professionals Directory is only visible to other professionals and includes the profiles of Outpatient Treatment Providers as well as all other professionals working with ED patients. The purpose of this directory is to assist with networking and the facilitation of care transfer and referrals.
* All professional services are currently free, however as EDTAC continues to grow we reserve the right to make changes to this. If that were to happen all members already signed up will be offered a grandfather plan.