Posting Guidelines


  • Make sure you post for the specific location where treatment was received.
  • Post about first hand experiences, not generalizations or the experiences of others.
  • Post a review only if you, a minor or a patient in your care has received treatment at the treatment center.
  • Be honest and objective in your assessment of the treatment program.
  • Refer to the “i” tooltip for clarification of review criteria
  • Remember that negative comments that still offer constructive criticism are useful. Comments that bash a program or its staff are not and will be removed.
  • Include helpful comments that might have improved the treatment experience. These may include:
    • Pro’s and Cons about your experience with the treatment program.
    • Let us know how the patient is doing since leaving treatment


  • Use NUMBERS of any kind, including: weights, height, BMI, calories or clothing sizes.
  • Post “advertising or attacks” on programs, this includes overly general reviews, be sure to provide examples.
  • Write a review about a program while you, a minor or a patient in your care is still in treatment there.
  • Use”definitive” language, (e.g., “always”,”never”,”etc.”)
  • Include information that may identify you in your comments.
  • Include identifiable information about specific staff members including names or individual job titles such as the “clinical director” instead use more general terms such as a “therapist”, a “higher-up” or a “administrator”.
  • State your opinion as fact
  • Offer false information
  • Rate a program more than once for the same treatment stay unless you’re reviewing separate locations/levels of care.
  • Re-post reviews that have been deleted by our administrators for violations to these guidelines or you will be blocked from future posting.


  • The “Do Not” section of these Guidelines will be strictly enforced and we reserve the right to request users bring their comments into compliance with these terms; delete or otherwise take appropriate action regarding violations including but not limited to the removal of any comments or reviews deemed as libelous, defamatory, indecent, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or suggestive, racially, culturally, or ethnically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive, or which may or may not appear to impersonate another or that otherwise violate the Terms of Use Agreement. Repeated violations of these terms will result in banning from the EDTX Community.
  • If you see a rating that you believe violates these Guidelines, please use the report function next to the helpful voting feedback buttons and state the problem but please do not report a rating just because you disagree with it